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The Oxford Illustrated History of Modern China



商品訊息描述 This lavishly illustrated volume explores the history of China during a period of dramatic shifts and surprising transformations, from the founding of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1912) through to the present day.

The Oxford Illustrated History of Modern China promises to be essential reading for anyone who wants to understand this rising superpower on the verge of what promises to be the "Chinese century", introducing readers to important but often overlooked events in China’s past, such as the bloody Taiping Civil War (1850-1864), which had a death toll far higher than the roughly contemporaneous American Civil War. It also helps readers see more familiar landmarks in Chinese history in new ways, such as the Opium War (1839-1842), the Boxer Uprising of 1900, the rise to power of the Chinese Communist Party in 1949, and the Tiananmen protests and Beijing Massacre of 1989.

This is one of the first major efforts to come to terms with the broad sweep of modern Chinese history, taking readers from the origins of modern China right up through the dramatic events of the last few years (the Beijing Games, the financial crisis, and China’s rise to global economic pre-eminence) which have so fundamentally altered Western views of China and China’s place in the world.

  • 作者: Wasserstrom, Jeffrey N. (EDT)
  • 原文出版社:Oxford Univ Pr
  • 出版日期:2018/09/26
  • 語言:英文

The Oxford Illustrated History of Modern China



蔡英文出席「台灣民主基金會創會十五周年開幕典禮」致詞表示,今天不只是為了慶祝,也適合我們反思過去、現在及未來的民主。她指出,柏林圍牆倒塌及蘇聯瓦解之後,冷戰的結束加速了國際政治學者杭亭頓(Samuel Huntington)所稱的「第三波民主化」。從東歐到拉丁美洲,從亞洲到非洲,人民重視自由、民主及人權的價值。

蔡英文提及,台灣也包括在內。30 年前,台灣解嚴,實行自由選舉,落實言論、新聞和集會等各項自由。台灣的新聞自由現居亞洲第一,被視為全球最充滿活力的民主國家之一。如同大部分的民主國家,台灣的轉型並非和平順遂,我們不會忘記先進先賢在長期追求民主的過程中遭到起訴或受難。他們的故事,提醒我們轉型正義的必要,台灣人民可以和過去和解,一起向前走。








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